Saturday, December 09, 2006

More Fear of Thee

Written with the following tune in mind (I.e. "Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord"):
(Key Variations Recommended to Help Keep the Song More Interesting and Meaningful (and starting with a relatively low key would be advisable, seeing there are quite a few "key climbs"))

1. More fear of thee, O God;
More fear of thee -
Even though it be the rod
That teacheth me...
I need thy discipline -
Make me afraid to sin;
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

2. "...Shew them his covenant,
His secret tell..."
The man that feareth the LORD,
At ease shall dwell -
Walking by faith with thee;
Longing thy face to see;
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

(Down a key...)
3. "There is no fear of God
Before his eyes" -
Hence, fears of every sort,
On him shall rise!
From such, deliver me!
From youthful lusts I flee!
No fear, O God, of thee,
Before his eyes!

4. Because that I have called -
And ye refused;
I have stretched out my hand,
And none regarded,
Yet, laugh and mock will I
At your calamity!
No fear, O God, of thee;
Before their eyes!

5. Fools make a mock at sin -
Delight to scorn;
Woe unto you that laugh -
For ye shall mourn!
Kiss the Son, lest he be
Angry, and, perish ye!
No fear, O God, of thee;
Before their eyes!

6. Why do the heathen rage,
And a thing vain;
Do they imagine con-
sulting and
"Their bands asunder break,
And cast their cords away!"
No fear, O God, of thee,
Before their eyes!

(Up a key...)

7. In heaven the angels fly,
And loudly say:
"Fear God, and glorify
His holy name!
For judgement hour is come -
Fallen is Babylon!"
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

8. "Sat on a great white throne
His from whose face,
The earth and heaven fled -
And found no place!"
All things lie naked, bare
To his consuming stare -
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

9. "Who shall not fear thee, LORD,
And glorify
Thy name? For holy and
Righteous art thou;
For nations, all, shall come
And worship, thee, before";
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

(Up a key...)

10. "If I a master be,
Where is my fear?"
In thy great mercy, Lord,
Grant ears to hear!
"Trust not thy wicked heart!
Fear God, from sin depart!"
"If I a master be,
Where is my fear?"

11. Wretched and miserable,
Poor, naked, blind -
Zealously, I repent;
Tried gold, I buy -
Raiment to cover me,
Eye salve, that I may see;
Wretched and miserable,
Poor, naked, blind.

12. Let bitter tears endure,

But for a night -
Joy cometh in the morn',
I seek the light!
Let my deeds be reproved -
Chasten me in thy love;
Wretched and miserable,
Poor, naked, blind.

13. Come, holy flames, consume
Stubble, wood, hay!
Thou, good and upright Lord;
Teach me the way.
Good soil, in my heart, find,
Transform, renew my mind;
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

14. The fear of the LORD is clean,
Enduring for e'er (ever),
Perfection in thy love,
Driveth out fear;
In man, do not confide,
But in the Lord abide;
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

(Up a key...)
15. O LORD, I've heard thy speech,
And was afraid!
O LORD, revive thy work -
As thou hast said!
In the midst of the years,
Regard thy people's tears!
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee!

16. Ten thousands may be set
Round about me;
I'll tremble not for them -
Lord, I fear thee!
Shadow of God, most high,
Cover me as I cry:
"More fear, O LORD, of thee -
No fear of them."

17. Giants with sword and spear,
Israel defy -
Staff, sling and stones we take,
Boldly draw nigh;
Bear(s), lion(s), have we met -
Thou hast not failed us yet;
"More fear, O LORD, of thee;
No fear of them."

18. Though in the lions' den,
Our souls be cast;
Let them not say of us:
"All hope is past!"
Send Angels to abide,
In thy strong name we hide -
"More fear, O LORD, of thee;
No fear of them."

19. "Fear not them, which alone
Body can kill -
One can destroy, as well,
The soul in hell!"
"Numbered are all your hairs",
"Cast ye on him your care";
"More fear, O LORD, of thee;
No fear of them."

20. "The Sun of righteousness
Surely shall rise,
To you that fear my name..."
"Come, now, be wise;
With fear serve ye the LORD,
Trembling, obey his word";
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

21. "But there is with thee, LORD,
Forgiveness given -
So that thou mayest be feared,
And we may live!"
Teach us to live, not die!
Oh, Abba! Hear our cry!
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee!

22. "Break up your fallow ground,
For time it is
To seek the LORD your God,
Until he giv...eth
Righteousness raining down -
Watering the thirsty ground;"
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

(Up a key...)
23. "O, fear the LORD, ye saints",
"O, fear the LORD"!
"There is no want to them,
That fear the LORD"!
"Lions may hungry go -
But want ye shall not know,
If ye will fear the LORD"!
"O, fear the LORD"!

24. "Come, children, hearken now",
"O, fear the LORD"!
"I will instruct you how
To fear the LORD";
"What man desireth life,
and loveth many days?"
O, children, fear the LORD!
"O, fear the LORD"!

25. Great is thy goodness, which
Thou hast laid up,
For them that fear thee, LORD;
Fill now my cup;
Thy ways past finding out,
Bless us with faith - not doubt;
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

26. "O, that this people would
Have such an heart,
To ever fear my name,
And ne'er (never) depart,
From all that I command,
And be blessed by my hand";
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee.

(Up a key...)

27. "No bullock, out of thy
House, will I take;
What canst thou give me that
I have not made?
Flesh of bulls, will I eat?
In trouble, me entreat -
I will send thee relief";
Come, fear the LORD.

28. "He hath shewed thee, O man,
What is good, and
What doth the LORD require?
What of thy hand?
Justly do, mercy love,
Walk humbly with thy God;
Hear the appointed rod";
Come, fear the LORD.

29. "Behold, the eye of the
LORD is upon,
Them that fear him, and that
Hope in his mer'cy;
Let all th'earth (the earth) fear the LORD,
All that inhabit the
World, stand in awe of him";
Come, fear the LORD.

(Up a key...)

30. "His holy temple in-
dwelling, the LORD;
Let all the earth keep si-
lence, him, before;
Godly fear, reverence,
Quietness, confidence.
Our strength, and sure defense";
Come, fear the LORD!

31. "My thoughts are not your thoughts",
Thus saith the LORD;
"Neither your ways my ways -
As rain, my word,
Shall not come void to me,
But do that which I please";
More fear, O LORD, of thee;
More fear of thee!

32. Two lords I cannot fear,
One, I shall choose;
Aul, pierce thou through mine ear,
That I might lose;
All that was gain to me,
And gain eternally,
Him that was pierced for me:


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