Saturday, October 02, 2010

Swearing! Bad idea!

1. I, a warning, have to give,
those all those who want to live:
In God's heaven up above,
Where we will enjoy his love:

2. There, a day, is coming soon,
Just as sure as will the moon;
Wax and wane from full to nil,
Jesus, be the judge, then, will:

3. When he was a man, he taught -
As he, sinners, to save, sought;
That he careth for the birds,
And will judge us by our words.

4. "By thy words, condemned", said he,
"shalt thou, or jus-ti-fied, be";
And, I trust that ye have heard,
"...Judged for every idle word";

5. At this point, I have to say,
I, the penitent, must play;
I, my words, lament and own,
That I: "...should have, better, known."

6. I acknowledge, I have been,
Quite a man of lips unclean;
And I do repent of this,
And that I, the mark, did miss.

7. "I", O Father, "have to say,
Sorry for my words, today;
And beseech thee, me, redeem,
It, impossible, doth seem...

8. ...For me to arrest the use,
By my tongue, of language, loose;
I confess that, is my tongue,
Like a filthy sponge - when wrung;

9. And out oozes filth and froth,
When I get, in my flesh, wroth;
Oh! I want to stop cursing,
And, instead, thy praises, sing!

a. I want to, thy love, reflect,
And be upright and per-fect;
And, I know, that what I say,
Doth a pi-vo-tal role, play;

b. So, let me, my loins gird up -
Let the INSIDE of this cup;
Be a vessel, clean and pure,
As I, chastening, endure;

c. I want to, my generation,
And my wayward, wicked nation;
Warn, and woo to righteousness,
So that thou canst richly bless!

d. We are DYING *'Ah-Buh-Jeeh!'
Help us to get back to thee!
Let us not be turned to hell,
But for ever with thee dwell!

* Korean for "father" - please see:

e. Let our hearts be changed, within,
For, from it, doth spring our sin;
Let us fear thee and repent,
For, for this, was Jesus sent."