Saturday, March 17, 2007

Great Peace have they which Love thy Law...

1. "Great peace have they which love thy law (Psalm 119:165),
Them nothing shall offend;
Then may I to this matter, with all diligence, attend!

2. Alas! O Lord, how can I claim,
Offense, from, to be free?
I do however happily, the verdict, leave with thee.

3. I either have - or have not - got,
this peace within my soul;
Then maybe now I am, than then, yet closer to the goal.

4. Do things that once I stumbled at,
No longer bring me down?
More often do I wear a smile, when - then - I would a frown?

5. Delight I now more in thy law,
Than I delighted then?
I think I do, I happily confess with, this, my pen!

6. Then Hallelujah! Hip! Hooray,
A "losing battle" - not!
Delighting in the law of God is easier than I thought!

P.S. There is one more sermon, which I just listened to, and wept at - because it could not possibly describe my current situation more perfectly. This is because I find myself taking my own "impossible stand", these days. The sermon, entitled, "A Stand for God Vindicated":


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