Saturday, March 17, 2007

"A Lion hath Roared..." (see the book of Amos in the Book, or "Bible") "...When the Fig Tree was Dry."

"...I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart." (a verse from the Psalms)

1. "A lion hath roared,
Who shall not fear?"
Which lion? This one! Indeed, "Oh dear!"

2. Was I meant to roar like that?
Here's my opinion (hang onto your hat...):
"Yes I was, as a matter of fact!"
(Though, I admit, it was quite the "act"!)

3. Now, I admit, it shocked me sore,
When from my mouth proceeded that roar!
So, in the spirit, I made haste;
Straight/strait* did I go to the throne of grace.

* "Strait" can be looked up here:

4. Before the Lord, my heart I outpoured/"out-pored" ;)
"No problem-o!" did God's answer go!
"Uh... come again?" was my question then.

5. God then explained that, worry, he dothn't (contraction of "doth not" ;));
And when I roar, he thinkth (i.e. "thinketh") little of it!

6. This all the more, when in private I roar;
When by the sea, I may, quite, be free;
And "roar" my mind, and catharsis find!

7. Psalm twenty-two he brought to mind;
Where at the start, th'word (i.e. "the word") "roaring" we find.
"A time for everything, there's not?"
All this a deal of comfort brought!

8. Now in my soul I sigh "Relief!"
The man of sorrows - aquainted with grief,
Though, in his heart, was throughly kind,
Was not ashamed to speak his mind;
A let a good old fashioned "Sigh..."
...Flow from his soul...
...When "the fig tree was dry."

Great Peace have they which Love thy Law...

1. "Great peace have they which love thy law (Psalm 119:165),
Them nothing shall offend;
Then may I to this matter, with all diligence, attend!

2. Alas! O Lord, how can I claim,
Offense, from, to be free?
I do however happily, the verdict, leave with thee.

3. I either have - or have not - got,
this peace within my soul;
Then maybe now I am, than then, yet closer to the goal.

4. Do things that once I stumbled at,
No longer bring me down?
More often do I wear a smile, when - then - I would a frown?

5. Delight I now more in thy law,
Than I delighted then?
I think I do, I happily confess with, this, my pen!

6. Then Hallelujah! Hip! Hooray,
A "losing battle" - not!
Delighting in the law of God is easier than I thought!

P.S. There is one more sermon, which I just listened to, and wept at - because it could not possibly describe my current situation more perfectly. This is because I find myself taking my own "impossible stand", these days. The sermon, entitled, "A Stand for God Vindicated":

Thursday, March 01, 2007

"With Many Sorrows"

Here is another Hymn (or poem, if ye prefer to use it as such), called, "With Many Sorrows". I wrote it, and then went "shopping" for an appropriate tune. Here is where I "went shopping":

This is an hymn, for the most part, but some lines are 9 or 7 syllables, respectively - so the last two syllables may have to be "doubled-up".

So far, the following melodies have worked best for me: "Euphemia", "Ancyra", "Chester_Oratory", and "Varina" . "Cleansing Fountain" (the American melody for "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood"), also fits the meter, and is probably more familiar to more people. "Auld_Lang_Syne" is another well-known tune, which I think fits well (with this tune, I recommend repeating the last four lines of each verse, a second time).

Finally, I just discovered "Car­ol" - the tune to which "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" is commonly sung:

1. With many sorrows peirc-ed through,
Have many people been;
For did the love of money woo
Them headlong into sin!
May we who follow afterward,
Avoid this cursed path;
And worship Jesus Christ, the Lord,
As God, commanded, hath.

2. To Baalam, son of Beor, now
My thoughts begin to turn;
I pray you, now, his tragic story,
From, a lesson learn;
When called to curse, three times he blessed,
The chosen, holy seed -
And, as if that were not enough,
He onward did proceed;
3. To prophecy of things, including,
Jesus, the Messiah,
As, later, did Isaiah, and the
Prophet Jeremiah!
The love of money did, however,
Prove, his sad undoing;
He headlong into error fell,
While fleeting gold pursuing!

4. He sub-til-ly devised a plan,
To make God's people stumble;
In fornication they did fall,
And learned to be more humble;
Restored, however, they did exe-
cute their vile deceivers;
And Baalam learned that he and they,
Were, of the curse, receivers!

5. Then be ye warned - ye workers of
Iniquity for profit!
The love of money is a fatal path -
Now, get ye off it!
And, furthermore, I warn the sheep -
Take heed to whom ye follow;
Be not as fools who, with the swine,
To mire, return, and wallow!

6. The simple test of any prophet,
Is the fruit they bear;
The shepherd's tender loving voice,
If ye hear not, beware!
About the "Lordship" of the Lord,
Some seem to love to talk -
But, when they call him "Lord" one day,
Are they in for a shock?
