Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"Jesus Shall"

This is a hymn (though some may prefer to read it as a poem, rather than sing it all). It has the same meter as "Day of Judgement! Day of Wonders" by John Newton. Link below:


I pray that God would use this to his glory.

1. "Who shall save me from the body of this sin and death!" I cry;
Note: the question is not "How...?" but "Who...?" for, all in vain, I try;
"Who shall save me...?" - not "How shall I...?" -
Jesus shall!

2. When in my own feeble flesh I labour to the law fulfill
In my members, ever present with me, evil - working still;
"Wretched man that I am - save me!"
Jesus shall!

3. That which I would do, I do not; that which I would not - I do!
For my labour, thorns and thistles - in abundance - only, grew!
"Save me from myself - redeem me!"
Jesus shall!

4. "Kicking habits", "Trying harder", "Banging head on solid brick"!
Please excuse me, while I give that concept one proverbial "Kick!"
"Kick my habits - sanctify me" -
Jesus shall!

5. Bearing fruit is not my problem, but abiding in him is;
Walking not by sight, but by faith - resting in his promises;
Fruit, and life eternal give me,
Jesus shall!

6. Hearken now, my generation! Let us to the Lord return;
Eyes to see, and ears to hear, have we, that - of him - we may learn;
Save us from our vile inventions,
Jesus shall!

7. Wise in our own eyes be we not, but with broken hearts contrite;
Wretched, mourning our own blindness, pleading to receive our sight;
Cast us out in any wise - not,
Jesus shall!

8. Cursed theory: "Evolution" (or, "Evil-ultion"), worship it in vain no more!
What pathetic subsitution, for the gods that came before;
Dash it with a rod of iron,
Jesus shall!

9. Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, omnipotent, doth reign!
Overcome as overcame he, do we now in Jesus' name!
To perfection, see his work through,
Jesus shall!

10. Gates of hell, in vain, to, try, against the church of Christ prevail;
He that sitteth in the heavens, shall deride them - for they fail!
"I have set him - reign in Zion,
Jesus shall!"

11. Brothers! Let not now our weary hands hang down, but lift them up!
Raise, and he will fill to overflowing, our, now empty, cup;
Turn our mourning into dancing,
Jesus shall!

12. Seize the day! Let reformation now begin with you and me!
Be not faithless, but believing, till God's saving arm we see!
Do beyond imagination,
Jesus shall!

13. Here am I, Lord! Send me to the lost and dying souls of men!
At the end of my own rope - undone - may I begin again?
White as snow, my sins are, see that -
Jesus shall!

14. With our ears have we been told what works thou didst in ages past;
Stubbornly, we cry to thee to do as, hitherto, thou hast!
As he hath done, evermore do,
Jesus shall!

15. Doth not thy name, "Jesus", mean to save thy people from their sins?
If in our own sins we perish, though it would be just, who wins?
Undeserv-ed mercy, grant us,
Jesus shall!

16. Wake us from our curs-ed slumber - teach us, Lord, to watch and pray!
Sleeping not as do some others, working while it yet is day;
Our infirmities, with, help us,
Jesus shall!

17. Knocking at the door, I hear him - Jesus seeketh to come in;
To the blessed knock we open, fellowship, and sup with him;
Meat and drink, abundant, give us,
Jesus shall!

18. "Be ye therefore perfect..." Jesus said those who had an ear;
Seriously, we ought to take him, and submit with Godly fear;
Per-fect that which doth concern us,
Jesus shall!

19. Look ye up - for your redemption, as the morning, draweth nigh;
See the ever growing brightness, swelling on the eastern sky;
Fear his name, who, rise unto us,
Jesus shall!

20. More than they that, for the morning, watch with eagerness immense;
Do our souls, O Lord, await thy promis-ed omnipotence!
Shew to us things great and mighty -
Jesus shall!


Sunday, February 25, 2007

William Cowper ("Kooper"), etc.

Not only have I been enjoying John Newton's hymns, but also his hymn-writing partner, William Cowper. Mr. Cowper was known for being "a little nuts", to say the least - which is comforting to me at times; seeing friends and family wonder at my sanity from time to time. I simply go to Isaiah 26:3 when I need to; knowing the devil and his host prowl around like roaring lions, seeking whom they may bring down. I recommend reading "Cowper's Grave", here:


I also recommend reading the story behind "There is a fountain filled with blood" - I think Cowper's best-known hymn:


Lastly, I recommend this hymn:


Love, in Christ,


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Did I say "Worldwide Revival"?

Obviously, God was not content to give us worldwide revival - although I would have "taken my worldwide revival, and run"! No, God decided he was going to do better. That is why he hardened the enemy's heart yet again! Hallelujah! Now, I admit, I do not always like it when the enemy hardens his heart (any more than Moses and the children of Israel liked when Pharaoh did the same). Sometimes, it is downright frustrating - as it was for them. Look, however, at the final outcome! Every time Pharaoh hardened his heart, it just meant greater blessing and deliverance for Israel!

I am, therefore, happy to share that we are no longer in for worldwide revival - we are in for worldwide reformation! Now, some of you may well ask how I know that. My simple answer is: by faith! Do ye? If not, I simply pray God would open your eyes of faith.

Here, let me leave links to a sample of the songs and sermons that have "blessed my socks off" today (and, people, that is only today - it is not to mention yesterday, the day before, etc.):

Hymns (just jump right in there, and listen away!):

Large Print Authorized (King James) Version:

Amazing Sermon from II Cor 4:

Commentaries on II Samuel 2:

Please, my dear brothers and sisters - starve not yourselves when such food is available! Get out here and eat to your hearts' content. Then, spread the word: worldwide reformation is ours for the taking! Remember when the children of Israel hardened their hearts, and missed Canaan for 40 years? Let's learn from their negative example, and go in for reformation NOW!


20th day/10th month/2009: It has been years since I wrote the above, and I am still waiting for this worldwide reformation. Some, I know, would argue that "I will be waiting a very long time for that to happen". If so, I would simply reply, "Though it tarry wait for it. It will come, and it will not tarry." (Habakkuk 2, near the beginning).