Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bible Versions

I simply want to state that I believe God has given us his word by inspiration, preservation, and faithful translation. In English, this "word" comes to us in a book: the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible. I would not recommend the other versions, because - for starters, more often than not, they question Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11. As for me and my house, we will fear God and keep his commandments. If I can happen to find a woman that agrees with me that the Authorized Version is just that, Hallelujah!

I just know that there is such a thing as "nutso King James Only-ism", and  I actually don't like it. It can be cute for a while, but then it can get really hideous. I want a woman that trembles at the word of God (as per Isaiah 66 near the beginning). Personally, I find the warnings near the end of Revelation 22 pretty downright terrifying and, therefore, would simply not use or recommend the modern Bible Versions.

All the same, I read and memorized from the Living Bible, New International Version, New American Standard Version, and etc. Though I would not use them now, I am thankful for the benefits I enjoyed from these translations. Among other things, they helped me to appreciate the Authorized Version all the more when I finally embraced it. Look up Acts 8:37 in the Bible you currently use. Is it there?
