Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Women keeping silence in the church

Not a really popular concept, but one that I think the church ought to get back to. Last Lord's day, I went to church with my friend, and did not sing along during the singing. Why? Because a woman was leading it. I refuse to sing when women are leading the singing. Why? Because the Bible makes it clear, in my humble but resolute opinion, that it is not a woman's place to do that. They are commanded to be under obeisance, and to learn in silence. Yet the church keeps on ignoring the Bible's clear teaching on these matters. Why? I think it is because we, men, are afraid of the backlash, and the women are not used to submitting to such seemingly unfair principles. The principles just plain are not popular in this day and age.

But should they be followed? I believe without a doubt that they should. And as long as we refuse to tremble at the word of God, and do what it says regarding women in the church, we - both brothers and sisters in the church - will suffer. There are groups, by the way, who - to a more or less extent - do let the men do the speaking, song-leading, etc., and ask the women to keep silent. I have seen a stark contrast between these groups, and those that allow women to speak, lead singing, teach, and usurp authority over men. I know that, as for me and my house, and any church where I have the authority to make such decisions, we will serve the Lord, and take what he has to say about women in the church literally.

Obedience may seem like the "long way around" at first, but before too long, it becomes apparent that "a shortcut..." - if ever - "...seldom is".

Love, in Christ,


Note: (Added on the 20th day of the 10th month, 2009) I apologize for failing to mention, however, that the Scriptures do give women a teaching role in the church: the older women teaching the younger ones (which is book in Paul's epistle to Titus). By the way, I know of a certain someone who is doing an amazing job of this very thing. She has a girl's group, where she has girls (who, as far as I can tell, are generally younger than her) over to her home, and teaches them how to be virtuous, God-fearing women. Believe me, she is qualified to teach such a thing! And, just who might this person be? Stay tuned...

Another note (on same day as note above): "Evangelist" Pamela Thomas posted an encouraging comment regarding my post about long skirts. Thank you for that, sister. I trust that the above is not received as a slight to you and your work. If you happen to preach to and teach men, I do not condemn you; even if I disagree with that in principle. There is such a thing as exceptions to the rule, and I will not for one moment claim to be in the place of God, and pass judgement on such women. I only pray that they would give what the Bible says about women speaking in the church due consideration and rest assured that, to the degree that they are teaching other women, they have my unequivocal "Godspeed".